Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shatto Dairy Farm

The girls and I went on a field trip with a group of our friends to the Shatto Dairy Farm. You could smell it before you could see it. Well maybe it wasn't quite that odorous but it was definitely fragrant while touring some of the different areas. Could you believe they actually have live cows there?!!?? We met in the big gift store and sorted through all the toys and dairy products they offered. There were a few samples of the cheeses which were awesome but my favorite were the butters. Their honey butter was so creamy and not too sweet, it was perfect! Our tour guide wrangled everyone up and took us through the factory showing how they produce the milk and other products they sell. It was actually really interesting and the children thought it was very neat how they bottle the milk and bring the cows in to quickly and efficiently extract the milk. Gone are the days of the milk man milking by hand and delivering by truck, now are the days of big machines, quick production, and store bought milk. Some of the kids didn't realize milk actually came from cows first, not the store! Unfortunately our kids are living in a different age these days and are very disconnected from the source of the foods they eat. Thus we have farm tours to teach them about how real food is produced and where it comes from. We had the opportunity to milk a cow so each child tried their hand at this old fashioned skill. You should have seen some of their faces, priceless! We went back inside where the tastiest part of our tour was sampling all of the milk flavors. They have chocolate, strawberry, banana, cotton candy, root beer, coffee, orange cream, and I may be forgetting one or two. Their milks are just dreamy! What's better than cold, creamy, and flavorful milk? In my humble opinion only a piece of homemade chocolate cake could have made that taste test any better ; ) That concluded our tour and since my oldest Picasso wasn't feeling well and quickly getting whiny we were on our way home faster than Dom in a 10 second car to save me from getting furious. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone in the Kansas City area!!

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