Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Legoland Kansas City

I took the girls to Legoland KC this evening and we had so much fun! We tried to go before lunch time but Crown Center was so crowded that the parking garages were completely full so we decided to wait until later in the day. We printed and used a coupon for $3 off each ticket from I love that site so much, it is the best resource for parents in KC! Anyways we went in and entered a room where you can pretend to make a lego. It had lots of pipes and gadgets and a computer where you can design a lego and later go online to redeem it for free. We then rode Kingdom Quest a "shoot em up" kind of ride with laser guns and you try to hit as many targets as possible. My two year old Princess Tiger Lily enjoyed it so it definitely wasn't scary : ) As we walked through Miniland, we were all amazed at how many details they put into all the buildings and scenes. Picasso my 7 yr old got frustrated that I tried to rush her a bit, she wanted to take it all in. They had many areas of KC including the Plaza, the stadiums, the Kaufman center, and many more. They even put a touch of Kansas in there with a scene from the Wizard of Oz. Picasso and Princess TL loved pushing the buttons to make the Wicked Witch "melt" down into the floor. They built lots of  towers in the abundant lego play areas and we all enjoyed the 4d movie. We rode Merlin's Apprentice a few times and Princess TL kept giving me the double thumbs up. They do have a cafe area where you can eat and it even has wifi. We finally left as it was closing time (and bed time!). It's not nearly as big as Legoland in Florida but I think it's just the right size for younger kiddos. My two definitely had a blast!

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