Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dunn's Cider Mill, a Fabulous Fall Treat!

I can't believe that after four and a half years of living between 5-7 miles from this local gem this was our first trip! We met up with a friend who was in the know about this place and gave us insider knowledge reserved only for a select few. The girls just had to have a picture of their faces in the bushel of apples before we went inside and I'm so glad I obliged, they are the apples of my eye ; ) Upon opening the door you were smacked silly with a fragrant aroma of the hot cinnamon sugar dusted cider donuts; what I would give if I could have one right now. We waited in line as this was THE place to be  that morning and carefully chose several donuts and a hot cider as well as a cider slush. M-M-GOOD!! These really were the best cider donuts I've had, so tender and flavorful. The slight crunch of the cinnamon sugar crowned this cider donut experience in glory. Both ciders satisfied our thirst and washed down those beautiful rings of fried dough. Even though we are just beginning Spring I am longing for Fall so I can revisit this delightful little Kansas City treasure. 

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