Sunday, March 3, 2013

12th Anniversay Train Ride to Union Station and Science City

I know what you're thinking, the Hubs and I don't look old enough to be married for TWELVE whole years, but tis the truth. I do not lie. We were but babes when we said "I Do" and even through a bunch of changes - jobs, states, kids, waist lines, hair colors, etc we still like each other and are enjoying this journey. To celebrate our union we decided to take the girls on a train ride. This is something we have been wanting to do for awhile but never signed the papers. We started in Lee's Summit and took the Missouri River Runner (Amtrak) through Independence and on to Union Station in Kansas City. The girls were so delightfully excited to hear the train and board those steps. We sat down and the conductor checked out tickets which made it even more official to Picasso and Princess Tiger Lily. We looked out the windows in awe at the scenery that you typically don't get the joy of viewing from the road with a car full of (screaming) perfectly well behaved children. The ride lasted about 45 minutes I think and we stepped off the platform and into the grand Union Station. We have a pass to Science City so we headed upstairs to partake of scientific edumacation. Science City is brilliant, just brilliant! You enter into a music garden and can walk across the keyboard on the floor, play drums, wave your hands over the gravel and make sweet symphonies on unorthodox instruments. There's a dinosaur dig area with a view of the fossil laboratory. You can climb the steps of a massive tree to learn about birds that make their home high in the tree tops. There's a soft play area, a crime scene investigation area, a sewer type area where the kids can slide down through the sludgy (not really) pipes. There's also an animal area filled with hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, snakes, fish, turtles, lizards and all sorts of creepy, crawly beings that I prefer to see behind the glass of a nice, safe enclosure. You can peer out the windows and look upon the train yard with frequent trains passing by. There is even a train exhibit showcasing the history of these enchanting machines. We didn't have long to play so we soon had to head back to the station and board our train once again. On the way back to Lee's Summit we hit the snack car and shared a soft pretzel with cheese sauce. It was so much fun to sit at a table looking out those windows and truly enjoying each others company. Once we arrived at our stop we said farewell to Thomas and picked up a delicious dinner from Free Birds Burritos in Summit Fair (which I think is possibly better than Chipotle, what WHAT?!?) Please excuse the profanities, I understand this is a family blog but sometimes you have to call it like you see it. There's freedom in choice and oh the choices they offer. Several flavored tortillas, a few more meats, more rice and beans, more toppings, more more more!!! And oh so good good good! Did I mention they have bacon?!? Salty, crispy bits o' heaven that makes any burrito a Betterito. I know what I'm having for lunch tomorrow and I bet I may see you there too ; ) Well until next time, Happy Travels!

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