Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Apple Picking at Cider Hill Orchards, KCK

Since our last attempt to pick apples in September about melted us from the heat we decided to wait until it cooled off to try it again. The day we picked was really too cold but since the weather doesn't have a thermostat we had to suck it up and realize without these apples Mama wouldn't be able to make a fabulous apple pie. We drove down the gravel path and met up with another friend who also wanted to make a pie filled with apples, after all, it makes for a sad pie to have no filling. So we braved the bitter cold and got bags from the bag lady and waited for our chauffeur to take us to the orchard. He arrived with a hay wagon so we hopped up and bundled together to shield our babes from the biting wind. It was a scenic ride past a pond and a bunch of trees and then we arrived at the particular trees they wanted us to pick from. I must say the apples we could choose from were of a smaller variety and were rather adorable. They definitely wouldn't make for easy peeling but I was smitten with how cute they were. We set out to pick a bushel and a peck of these tiny, juicy delights. Picasso and Princess Tiger Lily thoroughly enjoyed pulling the apples from the mother trees and taking bites out of each one. Princess Tiger Lily even had a taste of a couple rotten apples she picked up off the ground and promptly spit out, yuck! Once we were satisfied with our lot we waited for our carriage once again. We rode the bumpy ride back and when I was going to pay realized that I lost my card out amongst the apple trees. Oh the horrible gut wrenching feeling that came upon me. We were all chilled to the bone so my friend took the kids inside and bought them cider while I made the trek back to the orchard. I searched and searched but no luck. My lovely friend was kind enough to pay for my apples and we each loaded up our little ones in our heated vehicles. I left my contact info with the lady at the register hoping someone would find my card and return it. Once home we cancelled the card and requested a new one just in case someone terrible wanted to take advantage of my misfortune. I think my girls had their fill of apples that day, so much so they didn't care for a slice of that glorious pie hand crafted by yours truly. Oh well, that left more for me ; )

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