Monday, March 18, 2013

Crown Center Fun with friends at Kaleidascope and Funville

Kaleidoscope is one of those precious treasures for families in the Kansas City area. Not only is it free but it's a ton o' fun! The decor is brilliant and oh how I would love to have the designer come create a play room for us. If you have never been it's basically a free for all art studio. There's a glow in the dark art room, a painting room, a sticker table, several odds and ends art stations, a small library area, a cut out wall with a mirror behind it that you peek through, and of course the beloved puzzle station. You (well, your kids of course ; ) can draw your masterpiece and put it through the puzzle machine that cuts it into pieces with a crown in the center. Both my girls love doing this and no visit here is complete without making one of these puzzles. After our session was over we headed downstairs to the Funville play area. Every several months they change the theme and as always they are amazing. Funville is based on the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" so there was a bakery, a pizza place, a news station, and about half a dozen other rooms that I couldn't get a glimpse of due to the volume of people. It was VERY crowded so keeping track of my two was just about impossible. Being so cramped makes me very anxious and claustrophobic but I put on my big girl pants for the sake of my kiddos and took a deep breath and in we went. The girls had a blast playing in all the exhibits. I had to keep reminding Princess Tiger Lily to not put the toys in her mouth, ugh! All the kiddos were having a blast while I kept getting bumped into and bumping into people/kids/walls lol. Picasso was with her friend and since there's only one exit I stepped outside with Princess TL to get a breath of fresh air. My friend was already out there with her littlest one so we had snack time while letting the older girls play awhile longer. I finally saw Picasso dart by the door so I snatched her up and had her sit down with me. Once all the kids were wrangled up we said goodbye to our friends and made a pit stop in Topsy's popcorn. We left with a bag of the mixed popcorn (caramel, cinnamon, and cheese) and the original butter. MMMM, the mixed was my favorite!! The cinnamon wasn't too hot, the caramel wasn't too sweet, and the cheese was perfect to balance out the the other two. Cheers to not losing any kiddos or my sanity in the Spring Break craziness, here here!!

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