Friday, March 15, 2013

Missouri Town 1855

I think I would have loved to live as a pioneer. Yes I know there were trials and hardships like no other but how I love the 1800s. I can just picture myself standing barefoot in a flowing pioneer dress churning butter, the laundry hanging in the sunshine, herbs drying, and the venison stew slow cooking in my cast iron pot on the fire. I think its the simplicity of life back then that is so attractive to me. I am intrigued by history and the story of triumph and success that accompanies this part of our past makes me so happy to live in an area that has abundant pioneer sites and resources that I can learn more and see for myself what a one room log cabin was like. So the girls and I make our pilgrimage to Lee's Summit where this Missouri Town 1855 lies. It is a collection of authentic pioneer buildings that were brought to this property to recreate a prairie town. We drive a good ways into Fleming Park and finally all the memories of the modern world are gone, well aside from the vehicles in the parking lot. We paid and started our long journey down the gravel road to step back in time. I listen and there's a quiet that I'm not privileged to hear at home, it's the sound of unadulterated nature. We come to an old barn by a pond and hear the frogs croaking in the noon day sun. We see pasture and there's no lack of room to roam so I let the girls run free for a spell. We walk a bit further and come to a big old house that I yearned to peek into but it was locked and the windows had interior coverings, oh the agony of my curious nature. We found a cow named Pet and an ox named Newt and Picasso promptly told me she needed an ox, ha! He was docile and friendly when the girls were able to pet him and then we watched a lady give him a bath. We toured a mercantile and peered in several homes. One house we could explore had stairs that were so steep I was grasping that rail ever so tightly while holding Princess Tiger Lily so as not to loose my footing and fall. I don't know how anyone ever lived with those terrible stairs! A snack break was in order so we found some log benches and the girls enjoyed a rest from walking. We roamed around a little more and they found the most perfect patch of mud to create a stick garden in. I was so enchanted with all the old buildings I didn't care that they were getting dirty. After all, if the great outdoors was good enough for the pioneers then it was good enough for my kiddos too! Get in that mud girls, show "them" you're not afraid of getting your hands dirty, humph! Hmmm.... I'm not sure of who "they" are but just roll with it. I did get the girls to stop mud wrestling so we made our way back down the long gravel road to modern civilization. It was rather hot by that time and thankfully I had plenty to drink in the air conditioned van. Good bye paradise, I will be back to your peaceful tranquility and blissful quietness.

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