At the last minute I decided to take the girls to Shoal Creek, yet another pioneer village that I've been wanting to see. This time I was prepared, I packed a picnic lunch and we hopped in the Odyssey and on 435N. As we were getting closer I said a little prayer that the ominous dark gray clouds would not release buckets of rain on us. We arrived and I may have been slightly out of breath from pushing the stroller up the gravel paved hill, whew! Who needs the YMCA when you go on outings such as these. Thankfully we were at the top and kept down the path to see the old houses, cabins, jail, grist mill, schoolhouse, church, and the like. It was so quiet and peaceful, just what I needed after a very stressful morning full of whining and fussing and little 'tudes. The first house we came to had a chicken coop behind it but it didn't have a path and I wasn't quite recovered from the gravel hill so we kept on trekking and found the grist mill. It reminded me of the Little House on the Prairie show. Most of the buildings we could look in but not actually enter. We saw an old jail where they had a fake person laying on the cot which really creeped the girls out. On the top floor of the jail was City Hall. Picasso and Princess Tiger Lily were famished so we found a picnic table and ate our lunch. There were a bunch of little green caterpillars that captivated Picasso and she kept trying to convince me to let her keep one. I had to remind her several times to eat her lunch and not worry about the butterflies-to-be. Princess TL started off with the stroller and said "See ya later boys", oh my goodness, I cracked up! We packed up our picnic and peeked in the church which was thankfully next door to the bathroom, ahem. As we were walking down the path Princess TL was running and took a tumbling dive into the gravel, ouch! We sat down while I examined her and she calmed down. Thank the Lord she had nothing more than a tiny scrape on her leg. We had finished seeing all the quaint buildings and made our way back to the parking lot. I noticed Picasso was still holding on to one of the caterpillars on a leaf and I told her that we cannot take it home, she must put it down. Whoa Nelly, was she in travail! She fell on the grass and was wailing. "But I named him Happy, please oh please can I keep him?" "No." "Ahhhhh, boo hooooo, arghhhhhhhh." I literally had to lift her off the ground and escort her to the van as I was trying not to laugh. I could have reacted differently but decided to keep my cool since she had no sense about her and I didn't need to loose mine either! It really was quite hilarious and I'm sure the dad that was packing up his van found it to be humorous as well. Side note, I'm taking tonight as mommy time and getting away from the circus for a few hours lest I become a side show act myself ; )
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