Sunday, May 12, 2013

Burr Oak Nature Center in Blue Springs, MO

While Picasso was in school I took Princess Tiger Lily on a little outing to the Burr Oak nature center. When you first walk in there's a Smokey the Bear exhibit with all sorts of cute forest wild life. We walked down the hall and observed native fish in a hall length aquarium. Then squeals erupted from Princess TL when she set her eyes on the SNAKES, oh my! Even though they are behind glass enclosures she's always afraid they will bite her lol. Well, I myself am a little leery hoping that no slithering creature or eight legged hairy thing escaped an accidentally unlocked cage. Thankfully we escaped harm and moved on to observe less lethal animals such as the turtles and the taxidermied animals hanging from the ceiling and in several displays. As we were walking toward the play nook there was a swarm of older kids on a field trip that were crowding Princess TL out. She went down the slide a couple times and then told me, "There's too many kids" so we went outside to explore the wild outdoors. We were "hiking" down a trail and came upon an outdoor rustic play area complete with a thatched hut and log blocks. She had fun trying to climb up on the log chairs and knocking over the block towers we made. Once Princess TL tired of that we moved on down the paths where she picked up a stick and smashed the ants, well tried to anyways. Don't worry, I'm sure no ant was harmed in the making of this adventure, she doesn't have very good aim yet ; ) We eventually found our way back to the parking lot where the swarm of kids were loading their bus. On the way out we were going to stop at this amazing park and play for a bit but those same kids beat us to the punch and so we kept driving. It was small and quaint but worth the drive. I would definitely suggest packing a picnic lunch and spending some time at the park if you visit the nature center, that would make for an excellent outing with your littles!

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