So in my normal fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants nature I signed the girls up last night for the FREE Build and Grow program at Lowe's this morning. I have seen this before but for some silly reason have never done this. We printed off our release form protecting Lowe's in case your kid hammers a nail through their finger. I figured Picasso can't hit a hammer that hard so we should be ok. We got there right at 10am and made our way to the back of the store where they had a very long table set up and a guy behind a makeshift desk. We signed in and he gave us our Monsters University build kits, mini hammers, aprons, and goggles. The girls and I find a seat and open up the kits. The directions seemed simple enough but since I'm not inclined in architecture I nailed Princess Tiger Lily's Mike figure on the wrong side and had to go get another kit. Then the light bulb went off and I hammered away perfecting her Mike and Sully wooden puppets. Princess TL helped put on the stickers and I helped Picasso finish up her figures. Princess TL decided she didn't want to wear her shoes; she kept taking them off and trying to dodge underneath the shelf. She quickly started getting agitated and wouldn't let me take a picture of her with the finished product, boo. I did get one of Picasso at least. They both earned a certificate of completion and an iron on badge for their adorable little aprons. Lowe's typically offers this on most weekends and you just have to sign up online. I would highly encourage you to take your kids, they will love it!